Book A Trip
We're excited to take you fishing in Washington!
Please Note: this form does not guarantee your seat. We will follow up for availability about your desired date.
For additional questions, additional preferred dates, or preferred time frame, please add notes to the comment section.
Thank you! We'll be in touch soon to discuss your reservation request.
If you still have questions please visit our Rates & FAQ's Page.
Cancellation Policy
Contact me ASAP to cancel a trip. If you cancel 30 days or less before your trip date, your deposit is NOT REFUNDABLE.
If your cancellation comes 31 days or more before your trip date your deposit WILL BE REFUNDED. This gives me adequate time to rebook a trip for that date. We will do our best to fill the trip. If we are able to fill the seats, we will refund the deposits.
If we cancel your trip due to bad or unsafe river conditions, illness, or a family emergency your deposit WILL BE refunded.
Any no-shows or trips canceled 4 days or less before the trip date are required to pay the FULL PAYMENT of the trip.